Insurance InsightsMike Williams / L’Observateur / November 15, 2000Alarmingly, lightning causes more deaths and property destruction in a typical year than floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined.
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 15, 2000
Lightning strikes generate incredible concentrations of electricity on a focal point. That point can be your home, a tree in your yard, or even you!. It iscritical to divert that discharge to a grounding path away from people and property.
A lightning protection system has two objectives-provide a direct path for the lightning to follow to ground; and prevent destruction, damage, injury or death as it travels that path.
Lightning rods are part of a home defense system. Contrary to what somethink, rods do not attract lightning, neither do they prevent lightning from striking your home. What they are designed to do is provide a safe path toground for electric current.
A couple of sources that can provide more information on home defense measures are the Lightning Protection Institute (1-800-488-6864) or Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (1-847-272-8800).While lightning’s first target may be your house, there’s also a need to protect the property inside your home from electrical surges that accompany a lightning strike.
Surge protection devices installed at the main electrical panel or meter and at outlets serving electronics can often prevent these sudden spikes in electrical current from damaging TVs, VCRs, computers and other expensive electronic devices.
Most important, protect yourself. If lightning is present, seek shelter insidean enclosed building or vehicle, stay away from electrical appliances and avoid using the telephone.
If you cannot find shelter stay close to the ground in a low-lying area and avoid isolated trees, high ground, bodies of water or large open areas.
For your personal safety, please respect the power of lightning and use appropriate caution.
MIKE WILLIAMS, who writes this column every Wednesday for L’Observateur, is a local agent with State Farm Insurance.
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