St. John receives sewage funding

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 21, 2000

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / October 21, 2000

LAPLACE – St. John the Baptist Parish President Nickie Monica announcedthat the parish has received $100,000 in federal appropriations money to be used in improvements on the parish sewer and water systems.

According to Monica, Congressional representative Billy Tauzin was able to get some money from the Environmental Protection Agency to help improve the parish sewer system.

“This is the first installment,” said Monica, “We will be getting more money from other federal sources.”The $100,000 comes at a very opportune time for the parish. Recently, theparish council has been arguing among itself and the administration where money is going to come from to fix a badly out-dated sewer system in Reserve. With a growing population in the parish, the entire parish sewersystem is being extended to its limits and the council has to find a way to improve the system.

Monica said that they may use the money to either evaluating the Reserve sewer system or improving the sewerage pond that is already in existence in Reserve.

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