Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 3, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / September 3, 2000

A few weeks ago, as I was approaching the Loyola Avenue exit on Interstate 10, a car blew and the driver, who happened to be a woman, gave me a “thumbs up” sign. I didn’t recognize her but assumed she hadnoticed my “Get High on Life” bumper sticker and was showing her approval.

The following Saturday, as I was about to enter Jam’s Coffee Shop, I noticed four ladies sitting at a table on the outside, drinking coffee and having a Bible study. I stopped and said “hello.” One of the ladies, DeborahDoucette, asked me if I had recognized her when she blew at me on the interstate. I told her I didn’t but was glad to now know that it was herwho gave that friendly gesture.

I spoke to the ladies for a few minutes and found out they were all married. The other ladies with Deborah were Janae Alexader, TishaBaptiste and Ronnie Grow. Before I left, I said, “Let me tell you whatencourages a husband more than anything else.” They all listenedattentively as I proceeded to tell them that a man loves to get a pleasant greeting as he comes home. “That’s your homework for the coming week,”I said.

Last Saturday, as I again went for some coffee, only three of the ladies were at the same table with their Bibles. Janae was missing. “Where’syour friend?” I asked. “Her husband wasn’t feeling well,” they answered.”Did all of you do what I suggested?” I asked. They all smiled and said,”We surely did!” Deborah shared with us that her husband had given her the cold shoulder for a couple of days, so she decided to buy some bubble bath and Epsom salts and have his bath drawn for him when he returned from work. Sheadmitted that she didn’t feel like doing this, because she hadn’t done anything wrong, but God told her to do it anyway. “What was theoutcome?” I asked, curiously. She replied, “He later told me that he wassorry and that his attitude was because he was exhausted and frustrated.”She smiled and said excitedly, “It worked! In fact, we’re leaving for a cruise next week!” Ronnie then said, “Last week, I cooked dinner and my children and I drove to my husband’s work and had lunch with him in our car. He reallyappreciated that and the kids and I enjoyed it, too. It was a good time.””How about you, Tisha? What did you do?” I asked. “Well,” she said, “I liketo nag a lot.” Before she could continue, I said, “You look like you could bethe queen of nagging.” They all laughed. Tisha then said that last week shedidn’t nag her husband and it felt good.

I really had a good time listening to the ladies share how they wanted to be the godly wives for which they were created. I don’t know theirhusbands but feel like God has blessed all of them with a good thing.

That’s what the Bible says about finding a wife. I have no doubt that thosefour husbands have found a good thing.

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.

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