Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 29, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / April 29, 2000

The Bible says that only a fool will make mock of sin. It also says that only afool will say there is no God. Knowing there is a God is one thing; obeying Hiscommandments, not suggestions, is another.

We live in a nation that has inscribed on its currency, “In God We Trust.” Inthe Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America, we acknowledge that we are one nation, under God. Talking about God is more popular todaythan it’s ever been in my lifetime. However, obeying Him today seems to beoptional. It all depends on the way we feel.This week, a few national news stories got my attention. One was about anappeal court in Ohio which declared that the state’s motto – “With God, all things are possible,” was unconstitutional. (Keep in mind that Ohio is one ofthe states which uses the currency that suggests we trust in God. They alsopledge that we are one nation, under God.)A couple of other news stories suggest that maybe we are a nation of fools.

Why? Because never in the history of this great nation have we mocked sin as much as we do now.

This week, the Supreme Court is hearing two cases. One is to decide if theNebraska state law against late-term abortions is constitutional.

Another issue on the agenda of the Supreme Court policy is – should the Boy Scouts of America be allowed to continue their policy of not allowing homosexual Scout leaders? I believe that Scouting is to develop a well- rounded individual, strong spiritually, physically and mentally. In my opinion,the homosexual agenda has no place in Scouting.

The last attack on the family in a supposedly Christian nation came out of the Vermont Legislature and was signed by the governor, recognizing so- called gay civil unions. This law will give homosexual and lesbian couples thesame rights as married couples. They will be able to go to the clerk’s office,apply for a license and have the same benefits as any married couple in such areas as taxes, inheritance and medical decision-making.

As I write this article, I am reminded that Jesus came, not to condemn sinners (of which we all are), but to free us from the bondage of sin. Yes, Heloves the sinner, but He hates the sin.

A few years ago I heard it said that sin will take us further than we want to go, keep us longer than we want to stay and cost us more than we want to pay.

Sin has robbed America of the things for which our Founding Fathers fought.

They were brave men who left everything to fight for the freedoms we now enjoy. Our early leaders were God-fearing men, but in recent years we haveallowed sin to creep in our homes, our churches and now our nation and, by doing so, have become fools by mocking sin and acting as though there is no God.

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur

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