Poche elected Gramercy police chief

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 19, 2000

L’Observateur / March 19, 2000

The town of Gramercy elected a new police chief Tuesday.

Interim chief Kenny Poche was elected to the position with 464 votes, or 50.54 percent. He defeated David Dufresne, who had 357 votes, and JoeSamrow Jr., who had 97 votes.Poche replaces former chief Michael Kahl, who was killed in an automobile accident last year.

In another local race in St. Charles Parish, Craig “The Barber” Ricca andDeirdre Faucheux were the top vote-receivers in a field of four in the race for District Seven Justice of the Peace.

With all precincts reporting, Ricca led with 310 votes, or 34.1 percent, overFaucheux, who earned 273 votes, or 30.03 percent.Marlene Savoie received 195 votes, or 21.45 percent, and Armond J.Bourque Sr. received 131 votes, or 14.41 percent, both falling short of therunoff election scheduled April 15 to fill the unexpired term of Irv Sanchez.

In the presidential primary in St. Charles Parish, on the Democratic side AlGore easily rolled up 788 votes, or 66 percent, across the parish. Bill Bradleyreceived 300 votes, or 25.13 percent. Also running on the Democratic ballotwere Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., who received 61 votes, and Randy Crow, whoreceived 45 votes.

On the Republican side George W. Bush received 1,033 votes, or 81.53percent of the parish’s votes. John McCain received 102 votes, or 8.05percent. Also running on the Republican ballot were Alan Keyes, who received95 votes, Gary Bauer, who received 20 votes, and Steve Forbes, who received 17 votes.

In St. John the Baptist Parish, Gore handily defeated his opponents with 483votes or 71.34 percent. Bradley came in second with 127 votes or 18.76percent. Then came Randy Crow with 34 votes or 5.02 percent and finallyLyndon LaRouche Jr. with 33 votes or 4.87 percent.On the Republican side in St. John George W. Bush continued his march to theWhite House with a convincing victory of 359 votes or 81.41 percent. Hisclosest competition was Alan Keyes with 40 votes or 9.07 percent. Thencame McCain with 31 votes or 7.03 percent, Bauer with ninevotes or 2.04percent and in last place, Steve Forbes with two votes or 0.45 percent ofthe vote.

In the presidential primary for the Democratic party in St. James Parish, AlGore took the election with 71.68 percent and 820 votes. Bill Bradley trailedfar behind with 21.07 percent and 241 votes. Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. had 42votes at 3.67 percent, while Randy Crow finished with 41 votes at 3.58percent.

In the Republican party, Bush beat out his opponents with 79.89 percent and143 votes. Alan Keyes followed with 18 votes and 10.06 percent, JohnMcCain with 15 votes at 8.38 percent, Steve Forbes pulled in 3 votes at 1.68percent and no one voted for Gary Bauer.

Statewide on the Democratic side, Gore received 105,536 votes, or 73 percent of the vote, and won 49 delegates. Altogether, he has won 2,402delegates, including 464 on Tuesday. Gore’s total put him over the top forthe Democratic nomination, which requires at least 2,171 delegates.

Bradley received 28,659 votes in Louisiana, or 20 percent, and won 12 delegates. Altogether, he has won 342 delegates, including 29 on Tuesday.Statewide on the Republican side, Bush received 82,335 votes, or 84 percent, and won 29 delegates. Altogether, he has won 1,084 delegates,including 383 on Tuesday. Bush’s total put him over the top for theRepublican nomination, which requires at least 1,034 delegates.

McCain received 8,749 votes in Louisiana, or 9 percent, but gained no delegates here. Altogether, he has won 239 delegates, but none Tuesday.Tuesday’s primary included voting in Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas.

(Staff writers Daniel Tyler Gooden, Leonard Gray and Erik Sanzenbach contributed to this story.)

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