Beadle is St. Peter’s distinguished graduate
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 5, 2000
L’Observateur / February 5, 2000
RESERVE – St. Peter Catholic School has announced the National CatholicEducational Association has named Robert Beadle a year 2000 NCEA Catholic Elementary School Distinguished Graduate.
He graduated in 1961 and is in his 31st year of teaching English at East St.
John High School in Reserve.
Beadle graduated from Leon Godchaux High School in Reserve and received his a bachelor’s degree in arts and a master’s degree in education from Nicholls State University in Thibodaux.
Sponsored by the NCEA’s Department of Elementary Schools, in cooperation with St. Peter School, the award goes to Beadle for outstanding professionalachievements. Throughout his career he has consistently pursued thehighest possible professional and personal standards. He is an example ofhow Catholic schools educate people to take leadership roles in the community and beyond.
“It is with great pleasure that we recognize distinguished graduates from our Catholic elementary schools,” said Dr. Robert Kealey, executive director ofNCEA’s Department of Elementary Schools. “The education they received inthe elementary years has provided a firm basis for growth and achievement in their adult lives.”Beadle credits St. Peter School for preparing him in a unique way to meet theresponsibilities of adult life. He said, “In addition to the skills and knowledgeit provided in a caring environment, the Catholic education I received at St.
Peter School instilled Christian beliefs in me that guide me throughout my life. I was indeed fortunate to have the Dominican sisters teach me andinfluence the direction of my life.”Beadle is a parishioner of St. Peter Catholic Church and serves as a lector,Eucharistic minister and choir member. He is also a member of the PastoralCouncil.
He is a charter member of the St. John Theatre board of directors andserves as secretary. He is also the recorder of Monsignor Eyraud Council2436 Knights of Columbus, a Lion Club member and a past St. Peter Schoolboard member and president. Beadle enjoys emceeing the St. Peter Schoolspring pageantry, Mardi Gras balls and the Sugar Queen contest. He is theBeta Club sponsor and language arts department chairman at East St. JohnHigh School.
St. Peter School is located in Reserve and has an enrollment of 227 studentsin grades prekindergarten through eighth grade. At St. Peter School childrenlearn the values and develop the skills that will help them become respectful, responsible adults. St. Peter is committed to the partnerships they formwith parents in developing the “whole child.”Children at St. Peter School are able to learn in a safe, Christianenvironment. They develop healthy minds and bodies and learn how to makethe right personal choices for life. St. Peter provides a place where childrencan live and learn in a faith community, where they can pray openly and often, where love and knowledge of God are current events, and where self- discipline, respect and responsibility are a way of life. These values arereinforced through daily religious instruction, youth masses, interaction with religious leaders, service projects, special prayer services and altar service.
St. Peter School’s prekindergarten through eighth grade academic programstresses excellence in reading, writing, oral communication and mathematics.
They also utilized educational programs and methods that encourage students to question and investigate. The teachers continually attendconferences and workshops to bring the most innovative teaching methods and ideas into the classroom. Labs provide students with hands-on learningexperiences.
St. Peter School encourages student’s personal best. Students know theirteachers are truly interested in their successes. Small class size allows thefaculty to teach students according to their own individual learning styles.
To be successful it is important for students to not only excel academically but to be well rounded socially as well. St. Peter enhances classroom learningthrough extra-curricular activities that develop leadership qualities, responsibility, cooperation and service.
In the late 1930’s, Monsignor Jean M. Eyraud’s dream of quality Catholiceducation for families of St. John Parish became a reality. Since that timeSt. Peter School has been serving the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional,physical and cultural needs of the children of the community.
“The individual accomplishments of our students and graduates are numerous. We believe their journey is not taken alone but guided by the HolySpirit and supported by His community of faith,” said principal Helena Cupit.
She added, “St. Peter School is very proud to have Robert Beadle as acompanion on this journey. As the recipient of its year 2000 DistinguishedGraduate Award, he truly exemplifies what we are all about.”NCEA established the Distinguished Graduate Award out of recognition that the significant accomplishments of Catholic elementary school alumni are a hallmark of Catholic education. The awards highlight “people who as adultsput into practice the values and ideals they learned in their Catholic elementary schools,” added Dr. Kealey.The first Distinguished Graduate Awards were made in 1991. As an awardwinner Beadle joins a stellar group of hundreds of Catholic school alumni across the country. They include an FBI director, a governor, a missionary, acircuit court judge, a television news producer, an Air Force combat training division chief, a senator, a mayor, a corporate president and a state representative.
The Nation Catholic Educational Association is the largest private, professional education association in the world. Founded in 1904, theassociation’s membership represents more than 200,000 educators serving 7.6 million students in Catholic education at all levels, including preschools,elementary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, seminaries and religious programs.
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