Get High on Life
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 5, 1999
Harold Keller / L’Observateur / December 5, 1999
I have seen people who are slaves to alcohol and illegal drugs. Others areslaves to cigarettes. Some people are even in bondage to food, sex, work,sports, money, etc. Yes, we can become a slave to anything, or anyone, thatwill control us.
The one slave-master that will control us 24 hours a day is a person we choose to resent. All other slave-masters give us temporary relief,sometimes, but resentment – never.
A few months ago, someone gave me the following description of what resentment can do: The moment you start to resent a person, you become their slave. Theycontrol your dreams, absorb your digestion, rob you of peace of mind and good will, and take away the pleasure of your work.
They ruin your spirituality and nullify your prayers. You cannot take avacation without them going along! They destroy your freedom of mind and hound you wherever you go. There is no way to escape the person youresent! They are with you when you are awake. They invade your privacy whenyou sleep. They are close beside you when you eat, when you drive yourcar, and when you are on the job.
You can never have efficiency or happiness. They influence even the toneof your voice. They require you to take medicine for indigestion,headaches, and loss of energy. They even steal your last moments ofconsciousness before you go to sleep.
So, if you want to be a slave, harbor your resentments! On the contrary, if you want to be free, the key is forgiveness.
Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur.
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