McTopy plans run for parish presidency

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 9, 1999

L’Observateur / June 9, 1999

LAPLACE – Pat McTopy, chief administrative assistant in St. John Parishgovernment, announced recently that he will be a candidate in the Oct. 23primary election for parish president to replace the retiring Arnold Labat.

In announcing his candidacy, McTopy said, “Our new parish president must have the qualifications and vision to oversee our government, but he must also have the willingness and the ability to put an end to the political fussing and feuding that has held us back for so long.”McTopy, 46, is a lifelong resident of the River Parishes. He is a graduate ofDestrehan High School and Southeastern Louisiana University, where he received a degree in accounting. He is also a graduate of the Louisiana State UniversityLaw Center. He has served as the chief administrative assistant in the St. JohnParish President’s Office for the past seven years. Over the past 17 years he hasserved in every St. John Parish government administration as parish financedirector, parish director of utilities and in other positions.

“I’m proud of my record of accomplishment in parish government and want to put my experience and ability to get along with people to work as parish president,” said McTopy.

He is a member of the Louisiana State Bar Association, the Government Finance Officers’ Association and the St. John Parish Industrial Development Board aswell as the Reserve Drainage Board. He is a member of the St. John BusinessAssociation, the LaPlace Lions Club and the Riverland Homeowner’s Association and is treasurer of the LaPlace Rotary Club.

“With experienced, thoughtful leadership we can improve our streets, drainage and flood control without raising taxes,” said McTopy. “I’m committed to thatand will see to it that it gets done.”Citing his education and experience, McTopy said he will be able to aggressively seek new and better jobs for St. John Parish.”I will take the message of St. John Parish to employers and businessesanywhere to convince them to come here. I want all the young people of ourparish to be able to find good jobs and a meaningful life right here,” said McTopy. “I have a plan.”McTopy and his wife, the former Rhonda Prudhomme, have been married for over 24 years and are the parents of two children, Christy, 18, and Patrick Jr., 13.”I offer experience as a lawyer and a businessman as well as high level experience in parish government. But just as important, I offer a positive visionfor the future along with a commitment to hard work and excellence,” said McTopy.

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