#dateformat(NOW(), “dddd, mmmm d, yyyy”)# #timeformat(NOW())#  CNN

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 1, 1998


  Wash. Post


  Opinions Letters to the Editor Editorials Columns

Support reading by helping library

L’Observateur / July 1, 1998

Business and industry continue to support our local public institutions, marking them not only as good corporate citizens but fine neighbors as well. An example of this in the River Parishes is the more than $2,000 infunds, merchandise and services donated to the St. Charles ParishLibrary’s summer reading program.

The donations are all aimed at prompting children to read more books and become better readers. Children who are better readers become adults whoare better informed, better educated and better citizens.

It isn’t just the big industries who contribute, it’s small businesses as well, doing their part to make sure children are occupied during the summer, giving them good habits which will last a lifetime and reap a harvest of benefits for the entire community.

The “Wild About Reading” summer program includes all sorts of incentives to get children to read, and is supported in all the River Parishes and by the Louisiana State Library. We urge participation by young readerseverywhere to gain and reinforce a love for reading. We also urge more ofour industries and businesses to help sponsor the program, this and every year.

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