Kliebert is Fireman of Year; Garyville VFD’s chief honored
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 21, 1998
L’Observateur / January 21, 1996
GARYVILLE – The Garyville Volunteer Fire Department held its annualawards banquet Dec. 12, 1997 at Ormond Plantation in Destrehan.
The event was held in conjunction with the historic 40th anniversary ofthe department.
St. John the Baptist Parish President Arnold Labat was the guest speaker.
Labat spoke of the past history of the GVFD and the times before 1984,before the quarter-cent sales tax was passed to finance the firedepartments in the parish. He noted that the quarter-cent sales tax turnedout to be a savings to parish homeowners through lower fire insurancepremiums because of the state of the art fire fighting equipmentpurchased with tax revenues.
Labat also thanked every member of the department and their families fortheir dedication and generosity to the community.
Garyville Fire Chief Faron Duhe said Garyville and Mt. Airy residentscurrently enjoy a “class 3” fire insurance rating on a scale of one to 10,with a “class 1” as the highest rating attainable. He added that improvingon the current rating would be difficult because of the small number offiremen that currently staff the department. Anyone wishing to join canstop by the department and fill out an application, Duhe said.
Duhe also received the Outstanding Service Award for the countless hourshe gives to the department each year. Captain Bruce Kliebert received theFireman of the Year Award, and firefighter Ted Oncale received the MostImproved Fireman Award.
Lt. Troy Bailey of the St. John Sheriff’s Department received a SpecialAppreciation Award given by the department for his assistance in theimplementation of the state-of-the-art radio communications system.
Members of the department receiving service awards during the calendaryear included Joseph (Gayle) Oubre, 40 years; Galen Duhe, 15 years; BruceKliebert, 10 years; Donna Duhe, 10 years; Warren (Bosco) Torres, fiveyears; and Harris Duhe, five years.
Each firefighter was presented with a sweatshirt and drinking mug as atoken of appreciation for their dedication to the department during theyear.
The banquet was closed with a prayer dedicated in memory of all deceasedmembers of the Garyville Volunteer Fire Department.
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