Water outage scheduled for Reserve, Garyville, Mt. Airy Monday night
Published 3:53 pm Monday, September 21, 2015
Beginning at 10 p.m. today, the St. John theBaptist Parish Utilities Department will shut off water pressure to water customers located in Water District No. 1 — Reserve, Garyville and Mount Airy — and begin making repairs to a main water line.
Water pressure is expected to be restored within six to eight hours.
“Therefore, as a precaution, the Water System in coordination with the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is issuing a Boil Water Advisory upon restoration of water pressure for Water District No. 1,” a release from the parish stated. “This BOIL ADVISORY is to remain in effect until lifted by the St. John the Baptist Parish Utilities Department.”
Parish officials said the Utilities Department would lift the Boil Water Advisory upon notification from the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-Office of Public Health that the water samples collected from Water District No. 1 are safe.
The parish previously announced a significant water leak was found at the Lyons Water Plant Monday.
“It is recommended that all consumers disinfect their water before consuming it, brushing teeth or using it for food preparation by boiling water for one full minute in a clean container,” the parish release said. “The one-minute starts after the water has been brought to a rolling boil. Again, please be sure to disinfect your own water prior to consumption until you have been advised otherwise.
“As conditions change additional notifications will be released. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.”
For more information and updates regarding the water outage, visit sjbparish.com or the Government Access Channel (RTC & COMCAST – Ch. 15, AT&T U-VERSE – Ch. 99).