Get High on Life
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 12, 1998
By Harold Keller / L’Observateur / October 12, 1998
Golf tournaments have become very popular fund-raising events while providing those participating with a day of golf, fun and fellowship. Myfriends, Danny and Sue Louque, owners of Quality Machine Works Inc. ofGrand Point, have decided to host the company’s first benefit golf classic.
I am flattered and honored that they have designated Get High on Life Inc.
as the non-profit organization that will be the recipient of this year’s proceeds.
Get High on Life was founded in February 1980 and its main focus is to help individuals who are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, or any family crisis. I have had the privilege of counseling individuals andfamilies who seek assistance and help to arrange further treatment or counseling, if necessary.
I’ve also had the opportunity to be a motivational speaker at many schools, businesses, churches, civic organization and other facilities throughout the state.
The golf classic will be held at Pelican Point Golf Club in Gonzales, on Monday, Oct. 26. The entrance fee is $400 per team, or $100 per individual. Singles will be assigned to a team. The fee includes green fees, cart,mulligans, range balls, shirt, unlimited refreshments, light lunch, and dinner. Tee times cannot be guaranteed until registration is completed,but are scheduled for 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.If you are not a golfer, but wish to be supporter of Get High on Life, you or your company may consider being a hole sponsor for $100. Yourcontribution will be acknowledged at the tournament with a sign advertising your business or personal message.
The committee members for this year’s Quality Machine Works golf classic are: Chuck Rousselle, Daniel Louque Jr., Renee Waguespack, MichaelMichel, Danny and Sue Louque, Robbie LeBlanc, Steve Lee and Jared Amato.
If you wish to participate as a golfer or sponsor, please make checks payable to Get High on Life and mail to: Quality Machine Works Inc., 32838Louisiana Highway 642 North, Paulina, La. 70763.
Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur
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