Old South Craft Show needs new home
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 12, 1998
By Lillian Ridlen / L’Observateur / October 12, 1998
DEAR EDITOR: Since the area between the bank and library in the Riverlands Shopping Center has been made into extra parking space, the Old South Craft Show normally held there three times a year has lost the space for the two-day shows which, year after year, has attracted shoppers who come and spend time and their cash, not only with the crafters but also throughout the community on those craft show weekends.
Old South kept going and gathering the community, even when our Andouille Festival was not being held. The crafters are artisans who,because of the high quality of their crafts, were asked to come elsewhere to larger communities holding larger shows on the days our own community shows were taking place.
We stayed to do our shows, loyal to our community and customers who counted on us, these old familiar faces to be there for their craft shopping needs for gifts and self.
Now, with the loss of reasonable space to hold the shows, the Old South Craft Show is in danger of dying.
It is a sad time when an old familiar institution has to cease and desist, not because the show heads or crafters are unwilling to continue, but rather because they have no place to go to hold the shows, which attracted spenders to spend their funds with our businesses throughout the parish on those three sets of weekends.
It is as though our very own little outdoor Pontchartrain Center is closing down for lack of space our show fees to do the shows can afford.
There has never been one serious injury occur in all these many years and the space used is always left in better condition than before the show.
Some of the Old South craftsmen also do the Andouille Festival. There isnot room for us all out there with the rides and food booths, music stage and such.
Yet, where our Andouille Festival, when it was not being held for a few years, the Old South went on still gathering the community together, twice a year then, and three times yearly the past several years, serving both craft shopping needs and that gathering place where neighbors, old friends and visitors to the community meet.
Besides our Andouille Festival, St. John Parish also has a rich heritage ofartists, craftsmen, poets and writers who take their time and, beaming with pride, have done this community Old South show, faithfully so, year in and year out.
If anyone has a space to rent, large enough with ample parking willing to help keep the familiar Old South show from folding up, please contact Sue Sickles, local artist and show head, so that still another part of our local community heritage is not lost to the progress of growth and displacement to hold the event.
Lillian RidlenLaPlace
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