Get high on life

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 24, 1999

By Harold Keller / L’Observateur / March 24, 1999

Jeanne and I were blessed with an opportunity to spend three days in Gulf Shores, Ala. We had the use of a friend’s condominium. The only reason Iwithhold the name of the friend is because there’s a saying. It’s amazinghow many friends you have after you own a condominium.

One morning we were having breakfast at Hazel’s Family Restaurant. Thebreakfast was very good, but the special attraction to us was the omelet bar. The chef not only did an excellent job with the omelets, but he alsohad such a pleasant personality.

A young lady ahead of me in line was accompanied by two young boys. Whenone of the boys ordered his omelet, he said, “Heavy on the mushrooms.” Iimmediately said, “That’s unusual for a young boy to like mushrooms!” His mother said, “And can you believe he doesn’t like French fries?” The lady was Jody Stone from Tennessee. The boy who ordered themushroom omelet was her son, Nick, age 11, and the other young boy was his best friend, Chris, age 12.

I told Mrs. Stone that just when I thought I’d heard everything, I meet ayoung boy who likes mushrooms, but doesn’t like French fries. “I think I’llwrite an article about that,” I said. I then explained that I write an articlein a local newspaper. “That would be neat!” Mrs. Stone replied. By thistime, all of the omelets were finished and we went to our assigned tables to enjoy our meal.

While my wife and I were eating, Nick and Charles came to our table and Nick asked if I would send him a copy of the article. Chris then said, “Sendme a copy, too!” I asked Nick if he had any brothers and sisters. “No,” he said. “I’m an onlychild.” “We have six children in our family,” Chris said, “including twinsisters.”Before they went back to their table, I said, “Nick, I still can’t believe that you don’t like French fries!” To this, Chris added, “He doesn’t like French fries, and my dad owns four McDonald’s and my grandfather has four!” I asked the boys if they did well in school and what they would like to do when they grew up. Chris said, “I’m going to manage the family McDonald’sbusiness.” Nick smiled and said, “I’m going to work for Chris.” Jokingly, Isaid, “You can’t! You don’t like French fries!” I told Chris that he would probably be a very good businessman but predicted that Nick would be the governor of Tennessee and Chris, because of their friendship, would financially support his campaign.

As the boys started to go back to their table, Nick turned to me and asked, “Could you mention Mollie in your article?” “Who is Mollie?” I questioned.

“She’s my two-and-a-half-year-old cocker spaniel.” I laughed and said,”Yes, I’ll also mention Mollie.”With such pleasant personalities, not to mention their politeness, I am certain that Nick and Chris will be very successful at whatever they do in life.

Before leaving the restaurant, Jody and the boys stopped at our table and we then had the pleasure of meeting her husband, Eddie.

How refreshing it was to meet all of them! What a wonderful way to start our day!

Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur .

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