Students dress for success

Published 12:00 am Monday, January 11, 1999

By DEBORAH CORRAO / L’Observateur / January 11, 1999

Eighth-graders at Leon Godchaux Junior High are getting an early start toward their careers.

As part of the school’s “School to Work” initiative, the school held a “dress for success day” for students before the Christmas holidays began.

Local businesses and entrepreneurs were on hand for a mini-trade show for students to visit and learn more about business and career options.

“We’re trying to get them to set goals,” said Irene Burl, Leon Godchaux Junior High social studies teacher and chairperson for the event. “Theirgoals may change as they get older, but we want them to learn to set their priorities.”Student Max Wetzel has already set his goals.

“I’ve wanted to be a doctor ever since I was small,” he said. “I want to bea pediatrician and take care of children.”Other students visited with former Los Angeles Raider Lionel Washington of Lutcher, representatives from the Gramercy Winn-Dixie, New Orleans attorney Donesia Turner and Jacqueline Scott of State Farm Insurance.

Scott works with students at Leon Godchaux once a week as part of the Junior Achievement program.

“We introduce kids to the work environment,” Scott said. “I show them how to dress and go through the interview process.”

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