Parish president-elect puts transition team in place

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 22, 1999

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / December 22, 1999

LAPLACE – Saying “It is important that our new government hit the ground running,” Parish President-elect Nickie Monica has announced his transition team that will help him start a new parish government which will formally take office on Jan. 10, 2000.The Monica transition team is composed entirely of St. John Parishresidents and is supposed to represent every community in the parish.

The members of the team are Natalie Robottom, Lilly Galand, John Fuselier, Henry Sullivan, Paul Oncale, Byron Millet, Joyce Scontrino, Warren Sylvan, Kent Broussard, Randy Noel, Sam Miano, Rudolph Dinvaut, Danny Duhe and Leonard Faucheaux. Al Brignac was appointed as facilitatorfor all the meetings.

“I am extremely pleased to have received the commitment to serve from such outstanding individuals,” said Monica. “Our team of experts brings awealth of experience, versatility and enthusiasm to the table.”The first meeting for the transition team was held Monday night, and Monica said the meeting was just a “get-acquainted” session.

Monica has also appointed Chris Guidry, a native of Reserve, to be the chief administrative officer of the parish. Guidry, a former congressionalassistant to Rep. Clyde Holloway R-La. and Rep. Ray LaHood R-Ill., willoversee the day-to-day operations of the parish when Monica takes office.

Monica said he has also initiated a series of meeting with parish officials and others to solicit their advice, cooperation and support.

Monica said he will review each position on a case-by-case basis when deciding who in the present parish government will be asked to leave or stay.

Monica asks that any citizen who wishes to be involved with the transition effort call him at 651-0080.

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