Andouille Run celebrating 21st year with new sponsor
Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 17, 1999
MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / October 17, 1999
LAPLACE – Before hitting the streets for trick-and-treating, local runners will be hitting the streets for the River Parishes Hospital 21st annual Andouille Run scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 31.The 2-mile run/walk and 5-mile run begin at 8:30 a.m. with registrationbeginning at 7 a.m.The run will be held over the same route as the previous four years, beginning in front of the Union Planters Bank building on the corner of Belle Terre Boulevard and Airline Highway. Participants will headnorthbound on Belle Terre Boulevard before taking a right on Fairway Drive. Participants in the 2-mile run/walk will then make the turn back toBelle Terre and head southbound back to the finish line in front of Union Planters Bank.
Runners in the 5-mile will continue down Fairway before taking a left onto Carmel Valley Drive. They will follow Carmel Valley to Country ClubDrive where they will head northbound to St. Andrews Boulevard. Aftertaking a left onto St. Andrews, the runners will continue westbound toBelle Terre where they will take a right and head northbound. They willthen loop around and head southbound to the finish line.
The first overall male and female finishers in the 5-mile will be awarded with plaques and andouille sausage. For the first time, awards will begiven to the top five finishers in each of the age groups – 14 and under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-65 and 66 and over.
The top two finishers will be awarded with andouille sausage. The third tofifth-place finishers will be awarded with first aid kits provided by River Parishes Hospital. Awards will also be given to the top 10 male and top 10female finishers in the 2-mile and top 2 male and female walkers.
For the first time this year, there will also be a Halloween Costume Contest for participants. The run will also be held in conjunction with theAmerican Heart Association to promote heart awareness.
The entry fee for both the 2-mile and 5-mile runs is $10 before Oct. 26and $12 after. There is a $2 discount off the regular pre-registrationentry fee price for participants 18 and under or 55 and over. Proceedsfrom the run benefit the St. John ARC and Special Olympics.Andouille Run T-shirts will be given to pre-registered entrants on race day. Late and race day entrants may have to pick up their shirts at theRiver Parishes Hospital Marketing Department. Jambalaya, cold beer, softdrinks and fresh fruit will be available for participants.
Last year, Leo LaFrance of Metairie won the first overall with a time of 31:33. Robin Loughran of LaPlace was the female overall winner with atime of 40:03. J.B. Baron and Yoshiko Taylor were the male and female 2-mile winners, respectively.
River Parishes Hospital is coming on board this year as a major sponsor.
For more information about the race, contact the River Parishes Marketing Depart-ment at 653-4248 or the St. John Sheriff’s Office’s CommunityRelations at 652-7058.
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