Council reverses decision on $4.1 million construction projectCouncil reverses decision on $4.1 million construction project

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 14, 1999

LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / July 14, 1999

HAHNVILLE – The St. Charles Parish Council, in an 8-1 vote, reverseditself on a $4.1 million construction project at its Tuesday meeting.Seven bidders originally offered bids on the Montz and Norco pump stations and force-main project at the June 21 meeting, including Magnolia Construction Co. and D&O Contractors.D&O was scheduled to receive the final approval on the contract, but the council reversed direction and awarded it instead to Magnolia.

Magnolia was the low bidder at $4,150,992, and D&O was in second place with a bid of $4,227,431.

It was disclosed at the June 21 meeting by Parish Councilman Ellis Alexander that Magnolia had not included documents pledging they would use sub-contractors among minority or women-owned businesses or demonstrate a good-faith effort to use such contractors.

That provision is required in state law of the successful bidding company, according to parish attorney Randy Lewis.

However, Lewis advised that when Magnolia omitted the documents it made no difference, as those documents would have to be produced before the contract could be forwarded for final approval by the state Department of Environmental Quality.

Parish Councilman Barry Minnich disagreed with Lewis and said the omission gave Magnolia an unfair price advantage.

Finally, the matter was removed from consideration.

Tuesday, the council first voted to reconsider that earlier vote, then to remove the D&O contract from consideration, and finally to approve Magnolia.

That action followed a brief recess during which Lewis explained the DEQ’s legal position – that the document in question is not necessary prior to accepting the bid. Rather, the document is required of the successfulbidder after the contract is awarded.

“I don’t know how DEQ got into our bidding at all,” Johnson observed.

Parish President Chris Tregre stressed time considerations of a U.S.Environmental Protection Agency compliance order to begin this project and urged waiting until the Aug. 2 meeting might place the parish in legaljeopardy.

Councilman Curtis Johnson Sr. maintained his personal objection to thecouncil’s action, and added, “I still don’t think it’s right.”In another matter, the 16th annual “National Night Out” against crime and drug abuse was proclaimed by the St. Charles Parish Council.National Night Out is scheduled for Aug. 3, where St. Charles Parish willjoin thousands of other communities across America to promote cooperative community-police efforts.

In other activity, the Parish Council: Approved a resolution of support for the state Department of Transportation and Development application to designate U.S. Highway 90-B (the West Bank Expressway) between New Orleans and Ames Boulevard in Marrero as a portion of Interstate 49.

Approved its continued membership in the MetroVision partnership. In1990, St. Charles Parish joined with the partnership for shared economicdevelopment. Those other members include Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard,St. Tammany, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist, St. James and Tangipahoaparishes. The parishes are splitting the $351,436 cost of a strategic planfor economic development, St. Charles Parish’s portion totaling $12,000. Approved revision of earlier legislation affecting the terms of members for the Zoning Board of Adjustment, making the current members’ terms expire in staggered sequence, to result in all eventually being appointed at the same time for not more than two consecutive four-year terms.

Approved a change order adding $38,900 to a Luling water storage tank repainting contract, reinforcing the roof structure.

Approved a change order decreasing by $985.09 and adding eight days tothe Dianne Place pump station project contract.

Approved adding $140,855 construction contract for the Talbot Drive drainage improvements.

Approved adding $250,775 construction contract for the Paradis force main project.

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