Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 19, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / February 19, 2000

Is there anything exciting happening in Grand Point, La.? For me, thatquestion was answered this past Thursday morning at 5:30 a.m. You read itright – 5:30 a.m. Danny Louque invited me to participate in the first gathering of men held in the conference room of Quality Machine Manufacturing at 3451 Louisiana Highway 3125.

Danny shared with the men that he has wanted to start a men’s Bible study group for two years. I was surprised to see 12 men in attendance.The subject for our first meeting was about judging other people and looking at them through our eyes, instead of the eyes of Jesus. I needed tohear that.

The bottom line on that subject, according to God’s Word, is in Matthew 7:1-2. “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement youjudge, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” (That’s scary!)A young man whom I’ve known most of his life was present. I was excited,but surprised to see him there. About 10 to 12 years ago, this same youngman and I met at Kentucky Fried Chicken in LaPlace for a meeting, which was arranged by his dad.

The young man had been arrested on a drug charge and later spent some time in prison. He shared that he never forgot what I told him at KentuckyFried Chicken. He said that I had told him he would never change unless heallowed God to change his heart.

“It was in jail,” he said, “that I went to church every Sunday and had a priest share with me about the love of Jesus. It was in jail that I realizedwhat love was.” He then smiled and said, “It might sound crazy, but my couple of years in jail was some of the happiest times of my life. In fact, I always had aproblem accepting love and giving love. After I got out of jail, I wanted totell my dad I loved him, but didn’t have the courage, until I had a few too many drinks.

“When I finally had enough false courage, I told my dad I loved him.” Helaughed as he said that his dad’s reply was, “You needed to get drunk to tell me that!” It’s amazing how men are afraid to show affection to one another.

The meeting was refreshing and lasted only one hour. We closed themeeting as we started it – with a prayer.

The fellowship was great and it was a pleasure to see grown men let their guards down and be transparent. The love at that meeting was as Godintended us to love one another, not only one hour a week, but every hour of every day of our lives.

When men get together to exalt the name of Jesus, things happen.

Resentments are released, hurts are healed, and encouragement is the unwritten theme of the group.

Yes, I’m convinced that something exciting is happening in Grand Point. Ifyou want to join in the excitement, you are invited any Thursday morning at 5:30 a.m. at Quality Machine Manufacturing on Highway 3125.

HAROLD KELLER is affiliated with the Get High on Life religious motivational group. He can be reached at P.O. Drawer U, Reserve, LA 70084or by calling (504) 652-8477.

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