Board delays reorganization proposal vote

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 24, 2000

ERIK SANZENBACH / L’Observateur / June 24, 2000

RESERVE – St. John School Superintendent Chris Donaldson thought hewould present his administrative reorganization plan to the school board with little trouble Thursday night.

Instead, he stirred up some unwanted controversy.

What should have been a slam-dunk for the administration ended up being tabled for two weeks.

When Donaldson presented his reorganization plan to the board, he told them, “This plan will be effective, economical and will help with accountability.”Donaldson’s re-organizational plan basically keeps most of the administrative staff in its present form except for six major changes: Elimination of the Title I Director. This post would be handled byAssistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Administration Herbert Smith.

Creation of the position of Director of Data Management/Student Services. The Title I Director would take over this post, and she wouldalso supervise the Child Welfare and Attendance Office and be testing coordinator for the district.

Elimination of the Director of Elementary Education. The currentdirector has retired, and Donaldson said this will not fill the post. Thiswill save the system money and the duties of the position will be handled by the new post coordinator of elementary education.

Eliminate the position of director of finance and the present director will become the supervisor of sales tax.

Change the position of director of business operations to acting executive director of business and finance. This position will be on asalary level between a director and an assistant superintendent.

Creation of the position supervisor of custodial and maintenance. Thisperson will be charged with the responsibility of reorganizing the maintenance and custodial departments.

Donaldson said that as soon as the board approves of his plan he will advertise for people to fill this post.

Donaldson said the reorganization of his administrative staff would save the general fund $122,000.

However, Clayton Herman, president of the St. John Parish Association ofEducators, took issue with Donaldson’s plan.

Herman said Donaldson had broken contract laws by not giving the SJPAE the reorganization plan in time to go over it.

“The board received the chart last Thursday,” said Herman. “I just receivedit at 1:30 p.m. today. I am appalled that I don’t have time to discuss thisplan with my people before the board can vote on it.”Herman asked the board to delay voting on the plan until the SJPAE has had a chance to read it over.

“We want the chance to make an educated, professional opinion,” Herman said to the board. “Whether our opinion is for or against it, we should havethat chance.”Donaldson defended his actions and told Herman, “It was not my intent to leave anyone out. In fact, you actually received the final draft of the planbefore the board.”But Herman was adamant and offered a subtle threat to the board.

“If you don’t wait on this you will have more than this chart to deal with,” Herman said. “I’m just asking you gentlemen to adhere to the contractlaws.”Howie Gendron asked board attorney John Diasselliss for a legal opinion.

“The superintendent can communicate with the board anytime he wants,” said Diasselliss. “This is a matter of administrative staffing and not otherschool employees, so I don’t see any conflict.”Felix LeBouef tried to calm the waters and said, “Don’t we have a policy that we wait two weeks for anything new? I move that we table this until the next meeting.”The motion to table passed 6-5 with Gendron, James Madere, Richard DeLong, John Crose and Clarence Triche voting against.

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