Romeville work delays school start for a day

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 22, 2000

DANIEL TYLER GOODEN / L’Observateur / August 22, 2000

CONVENT – Romeville Elementary School students got an added treat of an extra day off last Friday. Their first day of school was pushed back untilMonday so cleaning crews could give the school one more pass before it opened for students.

Romeville Elementary had extensive work done over the summer. The roof iscompletely new. “It was an open air project,” said Jim Mitchell, director ofbudget, operations and maintenance. The whole roof was taken off, and theair conditioning units were taken down and replaced, he added.

The school was reroofed, the ceilings and walls insulated and new air conditioning units installed. All the new air conditioners and chillers are nowground based.

Friday, cleaning crews waxed the floors and finalized all the work, said Mitchell. By 9 a.m. Monday morning the students were there for their firstday and “everything was flowing nicely,” he added.

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