NIE program needs your help

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 26, 2000

L’Observateur / August 26, 2000

The Newspapers in Education program throughout the River Parishes, coordinated through this newspaper, reached 13 schools in the region last school year. This year, with the program’s success, the number ofparticipating schools has doubled.

A total of 92 teachers have requested newspapers for their 2,507 students. With our newspaper being published twice weekly, that morethan 200,000 newspapers, all directed at helping local students learn.

We cannot do this without the continued financial help of the River Parishes business community. Anyone can help, for with the cost at 17cents per issue, that’s only $17,68 per year, per student.

Each sponsored newspaper will be labeled “Compliments Of” the sponsoring company, giving each sponsor the proper credit it deserves for helping efforts in teaching literacy, current events and social studies.

Sponsors may select any specific school system, school or grade level to target the audience for this recognition of your valuable help to River Parishes education.

Please contact us by calling 504-652-1945, or faxing us at 504-652- 1633 and sign up with an NIE Sponsorship Agreement.

Our children, and their parents and schools, will sincerely thank you.


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