Senior citizens discover hidden artistic talent

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 6, 2000

LEONARD GRAY / L’Observateur / December 6, 2000

HAHNVILLE – Some people just never realize how talented they are until they pick up that paintbrush for the first time and begin to create.

The St. Charles Parish Council on Aging, in cooperation with the St. CharlesParish Parks and Recreation Department and the St. Charles Art Guild, heldtheir first-ever art show last week in Hahnville.

“We’re just overwhelmed!” exclaimed Margaret Powe, executive director of the COA. “We’re amazed we had so many!”The show, set up in the Hahnville Senior Center, displayed a huge collection of oil paintings, pencil sketches and pastels. Most came out of the classes heldby the COA at several senior centers around the parish, especially Des Allemands, Paradis and New Sarpy.

Bonnie Clark, 67, of Destrehan, displayed her very first painting at the show.

“It turned out better than I thought,” she said modestly.

“It’s something I’ve always thought of doing,” Clark said of her class. “Wehave lots of fun.”Her grandson, in fact, took one look at her creation doubtfully and declared, “You cheated some way.”Clark began her art pastime only three months ago.

For Ed Lareau, art has been in his blood for many years. The 73-year-old St.Rose resident hadn’t painted since the 1940s when he decided a few years ago to start again.

Now, besides turning out stacks of paintings and sketches, all of incredible quality, he also teaches sketching classes at the New Sarpy Senior Center.

Theresa Theriot of the parish recreation department commented, “A lot of them have no idea they have talent until they try.”Edie Corso’s creations, especially one snowy scene, often have glitter added to the paints. In her snow scenes, the images glisten realistically.Corso, 65, now teaches oil painting at New Sarpy.

The art program of the COA had its start with a St. Charles School BoardCommunity Education class, taught at the Des Allemands Senior Center. Thatgroup gained so much in popularity, they’ve since hired their own paid art teacher.

The other senior centers, however, rely upon volunteers to teach classes, and there’s an opening for a volunteer art teacher at the Hahnville Center.

Anyone who may be able to help is urged to call the Council on Aging at 783- 6683.

Mary Moate of Luling, 72, who produces the St. Charles Art Guild’snewsletter and has been painting “forever,” loves what painting does for her.

“I really enjoy painting,” she said. “It’s something you can escape into.”Any senior citizens interested in giving the visual arts a try, can call the COA at the above number, New Sarpy at 764-2412 or Paradis at 758-7423.

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