St. John LAE attending convention
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 22, 2000
L’Observateur / November 22, 2000
MONROE – Several members of the St. John Association of Educators are inMonroe this week at the annual convention of the Louisiana Association ofEducators. Attending the conference is SJAE President Annette Houston andmembers Herman Clayton, Glythina Batiste, Carolyn Batiste and BarbaraKnight.
Houston said this year’s convention is an opportunity for the state’seducation leaders to exchange ideas and dialogue on the pressing needs ofpublic education.
“Louisiana’s school family has dealt with new ideas and some tough changesduring the past few years,” said Houston. “We’ve faced the challenge ofimproving student achievement, and we’re beginning to win the battle.””If we don’t also improve education salaries and education funding,” Houstoncontinued, “we’re going to lose ground against as more and more educatorsleave Louisiana. We’re going home from this meeting with a plan of action.”Increasing student achievement and keeping schools safe are still among thetop goals of LAE convention delegates, according to Houston.
“But winning competitive salaries for teachers and other school employeesmust be a top priority,” said Houston. “The success of any other educationgoal depends on hiring and keeping talented, dedicated school personnel.”During the convention, delegates are hearing from speakers including theNational Education Association Vice President Reg Weaver, NEA ExecutiveDirector John Wilson and Louisiana Superintendent of Education Cecil Picard.
A major highlight of the convention is an active debate on how to spurlegislative action to raise education salaries.
“We can’t afford to lose any more teachers,” said Houston, “and we can keeppaying our school support personnel poverty level wages.”
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