St. John Council discusses speed bumps, overdue bills

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Staff Reporter

LAPLACE – Although many items on the St. John Parish Council’s agenda on Tuesday were tabled or carried over, one old-business item was again discussed at length.

Councilwoman Jaclyn Hotard had asked the council last month about installing a speed bump in the 700 block of Camellia St. It is a dead-end street, with no sidewalks for children; and she and the residents in that area felt the need for the installation.

At that Oct. 26 meeting, Council members were told by Administrative Assistant Natalie Robottom that she and Public Safety Director Paul Oncale and Public Works Director Virgil Rayneri had looked at the area. She added that each request for a speed bump is looked at on an individual basis.

The 700 block of Camellia is the last block of the street that leads to a dead-end, and Robottom said that Administration is not sure what good it would do to install a speed bump there.

Also at that meeting, Oncale stated that he believed speed bumps did not work. Nickie Monica also told the Council said that he has received calls asking for both the removal of some bumps, and the installation of others.

And, Councilman Dale Wolfe said he had a 4-year-old work order asking for a speed bump, and wanted to know when the administration going to fill this order.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Hotard and Wolfe again asked about the speed bumps.

Robottom reiterated her stance regarding the current ordinance, which says that each request is decided on an individual basis after inspection by Oncale, Rayneri and herself.

She told the Council that she would be happy to again look at any speed bump request with the councilperson requesting it. She also asked that any requests be submitted again.

In other news at the meeting, Councilman Allen St. Pierre brought up the subject of delinquent utility bills. He cited the current general budget discussions on increasing revenue and cutting expenditures.

“Before I ask anyone to pay more for their utilities, I want to see what is owed (on overdue bills,)” he said. “And, what constitutes delinquent? Is it 10 days, a month?”

Councilman Steve Lee said a report should be made available to peruse the status of the utility accounts due. He asked Finance Director Jeff Clement if that was possible. “Let’s get an aged report,” he said. “And also find out what is meant by ‘delinquent.'”

Council Chairman Joel McTopy said that utility fees would not have to go up as much if there was an increase of revenue from owed bills.