St. John Council may decide on Solid Waste property

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 26, 2006


Staff Reporter

LAPLACE — The St. John Parish Council will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, where one of the main topics will be whether to sell land near the St. John Airport so that the Solid Waste Disposal company may move from Central Avenue in Reserve.

The ordinance was introduced at the June 13 meeting, which stirred up a group of Central Avenue residents in the audience, but the speaker for the group, Marvin Miller took a calm approach.

By the end of his speaking time members of the Council reminded Miller and others that the plan was to sell the land and for SWDI to move quickly.

&#8220We introduced an ordinance to sell certain property on Airport Road to Land-Glo Inc., the parent company of SWDI,” Parish Attorney Jeff Perilloux said.

He added, &#8220By law we have to advertise the fact the property is being sold, then come back and vote on the ordinance, by law that has to be done.”

Perilloux added that once the ordinance is voted on and signed by Parish President Nickie Monica, it become law, then the parish can transfer the title of the property to Land-Glo Inc, which will allow SWDI to move their operations to the new location.

SWDI representative Roddie Matherene announced they are committed to putting a temporary building to operate out of while the permanent building is being constructed.

He also said to deal with the issue Miller mentioned about the business started too early in the morning, that they would begin working at 5 a.m., instead of around 4 a.m..

But according to concern resident Nancy Guillot, this has yet to happen.

&#8220They are starting earlier now than they were before the meeting,” Guillot said. &#8220Before, they would start around 4 or 4:30 a.m., now they are starting around 3 a.m., so it has gotten worse.”

According to Guillot, the concern is more than SWDI moving to a new location, but also how they operate at their current location.

&#8220We are moving forward,” Council Chairman Sean Roussel said, and continued, &#8220We have talked with the parent company and SWDI, they told us as soon as they get the green light they will start moving.”