Garyville vote delays industrial decisions

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 11, 2008


Staff Reporter

EDGARD – The St. John Council voted Tuesday to delay decisions on industrial-area designation requests from two facilities in the Garyville area.

The council tabled decisions on a request from Safeland Storage, LLC, which is looking to construct a tank farm for petroleum fuel materials storage in Mount Airy, and Nalco Co., which is looking to add 80 acres to its existing industrial facility, until after a July 19 vote on a referendum to incorporate the town of Garyville.

At a meeting Monday, the St. John Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Nalco request, but failed to move on Safeland’s request. There was no discussion on their decision.

On Tuesday, the council voted 8-0 in favor of tabling the request from Safeland Storage, and 5-3 in favor of tabling the request from Nalco Co. Councilman Ronnie Smith and Councilwomen Cheryl Millet and Darnel Usry cast the no votes. Councilman-at-large Dale Wolfe was absent for both votes.

Following Tuesday’s council meeting, Dist. II Councilman Danny Millet, who motioned to table both measures, said that there was not enough agreement among council members to pass the measures. He said that it is only fair that the decision wait until after a vote on incorporation takes place.

According to St. John Parish law, industrial areas are excluded from municipal areas trying to incorporate. The designation prevents them from having to pay taxes from any proposed municipality.

St. John Public Information Officer Buddy Boe said that the parish has no official comment on the council’s decision. He did say that the requests were made by the landowners in both cases, and that the proceedings were followed to the letter of the law.

The council is scheduled to take the issue up at their next council meeting, scheduled for July 22 in LaPlace.