Congress really doesn’t want our feedback
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Have you seen poor, poor Arlen Specter, babbling about how hostile the crowd was at his Philadelphia-area town hall meeting on healthcare?
Specter, like so many of his same-side-of-the-aisle mates in Congress, are practicing what George Orwell called “doublespeak” in his book “Animal Farm.”
They say they want to hear from the public — but, as Specter showed, only if the public agrees with them.
Looking at the president’s falling polls and the growing disdain from the American public over this administration’s penchant for throwing money there, bailing out here and dictating terms everywhere else, no wonder they don’t want to listen.
The public, in an ever rising voice, is telling Congresss to stop or, at the very least, slow way down.
Reading online newspapers and magazines across the country, there seems to be more Americans who are taking the time to read then proposed legislation than those who would vote to enact it.
And if these plans debated by Congress and pushed by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are so great for we the people, why don’t the members of Congress sign on for it?
Last week, voting on party lines, Democrats led by Henry Waxman of California defeated a proposal by Republican Steve Scalise that would require — REQUIRE — members of Congress to participate in whatever health care plan they feed to the public.
Why, Rep. Waxman, if it so going to be so good for the public — as we have been told time and again — would you not want to participate?
Why not ask Mr. Waxman? Or any member of Congress, why they would support so many spending bills — TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS — without any thought as to how the bills will get paid … other than to stack them on the backs of the working class and those they deem to be “wealthy.”
If you want to ask Mr. Waxman, here’s his contact information:
Office of Rep. Henry Waxman
8436 West Third Street Ste 600
Los Angeles, Calif. 90048
Fax: 323-655-0502
Thus far, those supporting the myriad plans of the president have tried to paint any opposition as “elitist” or led by the elite. Well, we know a lot of folks who are a long way from being elite who are full to the gills with the mess.
As the late Texas oilman, Eddie Chiles, was wont to say: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”
Seems like a lot of Americans are at that point these days.