Favre soap opera never ends for Vikings, fans

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 31, 2009


I told myself I wouldn’t be writing this column.

We’re all sick of hearing his name. Favre, Favre, FavreFavreFavre. Will he or won’t he. Long segments on Sportscenter dealing with the breaking news that he hasn’t made a decision yet. Breakdowns on the progress of his shoulder, the Vikings chances, and whether he prefers his eggs scrambled or sunny side up.

But I wasn’t going to give into the media circus.

Finally, the other shoe fell and we learned exactly what we’d been prepared to hear for months: that he’s…staying retired?



Leave it to Brett Favre to zig when you’re expecting zag. Minnesota seemed pretty certain they had Favre in the bag.

Now they’re left holding it.

The Viking fan base has been convinced for weeks that it wouldn’t be Tarvaris Jackson or Sage Rosenfels calling the signals in the huddle, but a sure fire future Hall of Famer.

Not to mention that now Coach Brad Childress must convince the two passers that actually are in his camp that the Favre situation says nothing about the confidence he has in them to run his offense.

Right. The Vikings put the full court press on Favre, and he did the same to them. But finally backed into a corner, he wriggled off the hook. And now, Jackson and Rosenfels know their team has spent the better part of the summer desperately trying to replace them.

The irony of the situation amazes me. If one word describes Farve on the gridiron, it’s decisive. He’s looking to make a play, even force a play, every time he drops back into the pocket. Often it inspires joy from coaches, fans and teammates. Often it induces headaches. Such is life with No. 4.

But all this does is inspire frustration for everyone, unless you’re a bemused Chicago, Green Bay or Detroit fan right now. Their biggest competition in the NFC North is now suffering a major letdown, right when excitement for the season’s beginning should be at its peak.

For Minnesota, Favre’s the girl that turns you down, but leaves the door open, not allowing you to completely move on. She wants to hang out, flirt, and show enough interest here and there to make you think she’s changed her mind. Farve’s still working out, not exactly putting to rest speculation that he may want to play down the line — without that whole training camp grind to deal with.

For Favre, no means maybe.

Such is life with Favre.

For the Vikings, only one scenario will wash the bad taste away. Jackson or Rosenfels steps up, takes the reins and shows he has what it takes to captain his team deep into the playoffs. They must play well. They must produce.

Anything else? The speculation continues. If Minnesota gets mediocre-to-poor play out of its quarterbacks — something the team has dealt with each season in the Childress regime — there’s always going to be that good ol’ country boy with the rocket arm that just so happens to know the Vikings’ West Coast Offense like a pair of his favorite Wrangler jeans.

Such is life with Favre. Or without.

For Minnesota…same difference.

Ryan Arena is sports editor of L’Observateur.