Poll finds many locals treasure Thanksgiving’s family time

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2011

By David Vitrano


LAPLACE – Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow, and it is a special day for many reasons.

Perhaps the first thing that springs to the minds of many when considering the holiday is the lavish dinners most families prepare. But the food is not the only reason to be thankful on Thanksgiving Day, so last week L’Observateur asked visitors to its website what aspect of the holiday they were most thankful for.

More than two-thirds of those who responded to the poll said they were most thankful for the opportunity to spend time with family. This family time may be the brunt of many jokes, but it remains one of the most important and defining aspects of the day, at least locally.

Nearly one quarter of respondents said they are most thankful for the time off work or school. While just about every office and school and most stores are closed on Thanksgiving Day, many are also closed on Friday, giving those lucky enough to work in such an establishment a four-day weekend. Students have it even better, with most of them having the entire week off. Unfortunately for those who work in retail, their Thanksgiving holiday is just a short rest before the craziness of Black Friday hits.

The meal itself garnered only 2 percent of the vote, and other traditions, such as Thanksgiving Day football and the start of holiday sales, failed to gain any votes.

A full breakdown of results follows:

• 23 percent of respondents chose “Time off work or school.”

• 67 percent of respondents chose “The opportunity to spend time with family.”

• 2 percent of respondents chose “Thanksgiving dinner.”

• 8 percent of respondents chose “Other/ none of the above.”