River Region Chamber of Commerce honored as Founding Member

Published 11:45 pm Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C. — At the U.S. Chamber’s Centennial Reception, the River Region Chamber was honored for its founding role and continuing involvement in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The River Region Chamber is one of 170 founding member organizations from across the country that has helped unify the voice of the American business community. Founded on April 22, 1912, at the urging of President William Howard Taft, the U.S. Chamber is now largest business advocacy group in the nation.

“Time and again, others had tried and failed to stand up a national business federation. It wasn’t until we had the strong backing and financial support of local chambers and associations that it became reality,” said Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber. “Our founding members made the Chamber viable, helped define its fundamental mission and provided the necessary support for it to build a reputation and get things done. River Region Chamber’s unwavering support will ensure that the Chamber surges ahead, ready for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.”

The River Region Chamber represents its members in St. James, St. John the Baptist and St. Charles parishes and beyond to create a better business environment at the local, state and federal levels — speaking out for the resources and support they need to continue to grow and create jobs.

The U.S. Chamber’s Centennial Reception was held in conjunction with America’s Small Business Summit 2012. The Summit brings together more than 600 small business owners and chamber and association executives from across the country. During the three-day event, attendees networked, heard from top policy experts and business leaders as they discuss strategies for fostering growth and creating jobs and spoke out on the issues impacting their bottom lines during the rally on Capitol Hill.