SPC participates in Youth Legislature
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Recently, the sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students from St. Peter Chanel traveled to the Old State Capitol to experience the legislative process by writing bills and acting as senators, representatives and press delegates. Some students ran for office, including governor, speaker of the house and president of the Senate. Marie Bourgeois was appointed superintendent of education. Shea Poche was the Senate Sergant at Arms. Lane Lundy was House Sergant at Arms.
Students who performed exceptionally were inducted into the Hall of Fame. The students inducted into the Hall of Fame were Connor Cantrelle, Gabriel Bland, Sean Madere, Mackenzie Louviere, Cayman Long, Caroline Scorsone, Alexis Louque and Noah Waguespack. These students were invited to attend a special session of Youth Legislature during the summer.