Keller: Jesus came to save people from their sins

Published 11:45 pm Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thursday, Christians and non-Christians will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christians believe that by the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived and gave birth to a son and called His name Jesus.

He came as the Savior to save people from their sins. Christians acknowledge this and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

Non-Christians celebrate Christmas as just another holiday; a day to eat, drink and be merry, because tomorrow you die.

Before I was a Christian, I celebrated like many religious people, believing that Jesus came as a sacrifice for my sins, but not accepting Him as the Lord of my life until I was 45 years old.  

I’m amazed today at how many people are confused by the simplicity of salvation as described by Jesus in the Gospel of John, Chapter 3.

In a group meeting last week, I spoke about Christmas and what it meant to me.

A young lady in the group said, “I respect your opinion, but I’m an atheist.” She shared that her dad was an atheist and she believed that life is to live and at death, it’s all over.

Sunday night, in a meeting at a drug treatment center, I asked the 19 men in attendance what Christmas meant to them. Eighteen of them said it was the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus and be with family and friends. One young man said, “I’m an atheist.”  

I shared what I believed and told him that God gives us all a free choice. I didn’t condemn him, but loved him where he was.  

After the meeting he told me, “I don’t think I’m an atheist; I’m more agnostic. In other words, I’m not sure.” I plan to see him next week, knowing that Jesus is the Savior and not me. I just have to bring the message. Merry Christmas!!!

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