Michel: Forgiveness is always the right decision

Published 12:02 am Saturday, April 20, 2019

Our Saenger trip was a success. So were the Cinderella dresses, shoes and gloves worn by the little girls in our party.

During the first act, my husband leaned over and whispered, “It’s just fun watching the kids watch the play.”

After the curtain call, my 4-year-old granddaughter Charlie began to cry. “It’s hard to let the best night end,” she said.

The songs, dances and magical costume changes had held her young attention span for the entire performance.

I just pray that we all remember a line near the end of the play.

When Cinderella’s stepmother realized that the young woman she had mistreated will soon be queen, she pondered her fate. Cinderella said, “I will tell you three powerful words. I forgive you.”

Forgiveness, wiping the slate clean and letting go of resentment or anger toward someone for an offense or mistake is indeed powerful.

Jesus put forgiveness in the middle of the prayer He taught us. “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” The forgiveness I ask of God should mirror the forgiveness I extend.

I don’t believe that forgiving means that you automatically forget. God may not wipe away the memory of every hurt, but I believe His grace covers the offenses so that it no longer causes pain.

Forgiving someone doesn’t excuse their actions, and sometimes it may be necessary to part paths for a season.

When we ask God for forgiveness, we are instantly restored to Him. But in dealing with human relationships, sometimes restoration takes time.

When I forgive someone, I let go of any anger, bitterness or resentment I felt over what they did to me, and I move on.

Forgiveness is a decision, and it’s always the right one.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.