Michel: Many great rewards come through faith & patience

Published 12:19 am Saturday, January 26, 2019

The birth of my granddaughter was preceded by a lot of waiting. Once her due date arrived, my daughter Elise did everything the doctor approved for labor to begin.

It was several busy days.

Elise walked more than usual, ate a pineapple core, used an exercise ball and did squats.

She also had a prenatal massage during which the masseuse said she would avoid the spots that might induce labor.

“Hit them all,” Elise said.

She later showed up at my house and announced, “We’re making eggplant parmesan using a recipe from a restaurant in Georgia. After eating it, over 200 women have gone into labor.”

It was delicious but sent none of us to the hospital.

Elise followed up dinner with a pedicure, diffused essential oils and made more trips to the gym.

During one night of treadmill walking, Elise told her sister and I, “We’re not leaving until I go into labor.”

Thirty minutes later, she changed her mind and we left.

After Elise had gone as far past her due date as the doctor was comfortable with, an induction was scheduled. The day before she was to go to the hospital, Elise went for one more massage at a spa she heard would send people into labor. Nothing.

“There’s a reason you’re not going into labor,” I said, and continued to pray for a perfectly timed birth.

On the day of her induction, a few hours into labor, an emergency Caesarean section was performed for Emma Kate’s birth, and we were grateful to be in a hospital with a staff of professionals.

What are you waiting for? What prayer do you have circling the throne of Heaven? What dream of yours has yet to be birthed?

Could it be that the time has not yet come although you feel it is long past due? Is it possible that this waiting time, this painful, anxious time, is building faith and preparing you for the eventual answer?

At the end of my prayers, I’m now reminding myself of Hebrews 6:12, through faith and patience we will inherit the promises of God.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.