Michel: Easter miracle impacts us all

Published 12:04 am Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Easter season affects many of us. Wardrobes change as boots and sweaters are pushed aside for seersucker, sundresses and sandals.

Diets change and we gather outside around tables heaped with boiled crawfish, crabs, and shrimp. My family never complains if the meal is followed by a basket of Cadbury eggs.

Even our lawn care changes as we carefully mow around patches of clover reserved for egg hunts. However, I never want to be so caught up in these moments that I miss the miracle of Easter. God sent His Son to be the sacrifice for sin. Although tempted in every area, Jesus was without sin, yet He willingly became the final sacrifice for ours.

“He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

I could make a lengthy list of the sins from which I’ve been forgiven, the sicknesses from which I’ve been healed, and the freedom I’ve found from life’s difficulties, fear, and mental torment, all because Jesus’ sacrifice.

As difficult as each one was to bear, they were spread out over a 58-year period.

What astounds me is that Jesus bore not only the contents of my list, but the lists of everyone at one time — a pain I cannot imagine, endured by a Savior I will not deny.

Although my sins were enough to nail Jesus to the cross, they couldn’t keep Him there.

Easter Sunday marks His triumph over death.

Because the tomb is empty, our lives can be filled with love, hope, and purpose. May the miracle of Easter affect us daily.

Ronny Michel may be reached at rmichel@rtconline.com.