St. John the Baptist Parish arrests report: 7/31-8/8

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Trevor Sterling, 17, 1112 Cambridge Dr., Laplace, simple burglary – motor vehicle, simple burglary – motor vehicle, contributing to the delinquency of juveniles

Juvenile  Male, 16, Laplace, simple burglary – motor vehicle, simple burglary – motor vehicle

Darryl Anthony Taylor, 35, 110 Riverside Dr., Reserve, D.W.I. – 1st offense, speeding, deposit of license in lieu of security upon arrest

Curtrell Demond Williams, 30, 421 S Church St, Garyville, attachment warrant

Bradtrel Anderson, 37, 1508 Belle Pointe Blvd, Laplace, simple battery

Dana M Gilmore, 37, 208 Lenzie Dr., Laplace, simple battery

Jermoine Nora, 21, 13250 Roddy Rd Lot 13, Gonzales, disturbing the peace – engaging in a fistic encounter

Jary Gordon, 25, 725 Emma Dr., Reserve, disturbing the peace – engaging in a fistic encounter, attachment warrant

Darvron Jamal Nora, 24, 980 E Pine St, Ponchatoula, disturbing the peace – engaging in a fistic encounter

Kierel Raven, 19, 7192 Carter Rd, Gonzales, simple battery


Michael Anthony Silva, 50, 12258 Dey Say St, Lutcher, D.W.I. – 3rd offense, operating a vehicle while under suspension for certain prior offenses, speeding

Jacqueline Phoenix Awasthi, 45, 2324 Ormond Blvd., Destrehan, hit & run driving, reckless operation of a vehicle, aggravated criminal damage to property,  resisting an officer w/force or violence 2 counts, battery of a police officer, attempted domestic 2nd deg battery

Dwayne Anthony Cook, 17, 181 Stout Ln, Garyville, illegal possession of stolen things, riding or hauling on levees prohibited

De’andre Craighead, 17, 327 S Emile St., Garyville, illegal possession of stolen things


Roddy Demond Johnson, 22, 607 Revere Dr., Laplace, criminal mischief – tampering with property, attachment warrant

Juvenile Male, 16, Laplace, possession of marijuana 1st offense,
criminal mischief – tampering with property


Brian A Miller, 22, 317 E Airline Hwy, Laplace, disturbing the peace – appearing in an intoxicated condition

Shaik Idris K Schofield, 24, 348 Oak Point Dr., Laplace, attachment warrant

Jerry Claborn, 50, 2717 Salem Street, Kenner, attachment warrant

Jarnell Winfred Johnson, 26, 297 Monitor Dr., Houma, attachment warrant

Kody Michael Bailey, 24, 218 Paula Dr., Laplace, domestic abuse battery, attachment warrant, attachment warrant, attachment warrant, bench warrant, judicial judge issued for: domestic abuse battery

Nathaniel Robert Stewart, Jr., 58, 217 S Kindle St, Boutte,
attachment warrant, judicial judge warrant issued for: theft under $500, flight from an officer

Tyroy Turley, 25, 2408 Williamsburg, Laplace, attachment warrant

Johnny Lee, 51, 2413 Pasadena Ave, Metairie, La, unlawful refusal to submit to chemical tests, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, expired drivers license, D.W.I. – operating while intoxicated

Darnell Harris,  JR, 21, 187 Allen Dr., Ama, armed robbery with firearm


William Eric Hodges, 52, 115 Stayton Ct., Laplace, attachment warrant

Reginald Charles Steib, 56, 19489 Mimosa Dr., Vacherie, attachment warrant

Madesta Dunn, Jr, 28, 1840 Lee Dr., Laplace, attachment warrant, attachment warrant, attachment warrant

Eli J Moore, 20, 212 W 2nd St., LaPlace, 10 attachment warrants, attachment warrant, attach

Denel Olin Osburn, 41 2504 Van Arpel Dr., Laplace, fugitive warrant for New Orleans police dept.


Tremaine Michael Young, 35, 722 Iberville St., Laplace, disturbing the peace – offensive, derisive, annoying words to another

Terrilon Janea Lennix, 29, 244 Persimmons St, Laplace, disturbing the peace – offensive, derisive, annoying words to another

Kizzy Nicole Joseph, 34, 515 Homewood Dr., Reserve, attachment warrant

Marquell Dequine Gardner, 35, 408 Homewood Dr.,  Reserve, attachment warrant

Susan Dillard Mckey, 58, 2137 Colonial Dr., Laplace, Judicial Judge issued for: injuring public records

Trevon O’neil Duhe, 35, 410 Cortez St, Laplace, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, illegal use of controlled drug in presence of persons under 17 years old 8 counts

Keith J Bradford, 33, 143 East 14th Street, Reserve, domestic abuse battery, cruelty to juveniles – with force/violence

Allynnika Melancon, 20, 3005 Essex Dr., Laplace, attachment warrant

Lacardio Joseph, 28, 117 East 31st, Reserve, attachment warrant

Joseph Antony Bass, 53, 146 Ideal Ct, Laplace, domestic abuse battery – 3 counts


Dwayne Perrilloux, 38, 137 Boardwalk St., Laplace, attachment warrant

Jerrold Williams, 46, 405 NW 2nd St., Reserve, domestic abuse battery – 2 counts

Deville L Zeringue, 39, 835 E Easy St,  New Sarpy, attachment warrant, attachment warrant

Warren E Johnson, 57, 344 Chad Baker St, Reserve, resisting an officer w/force or violence , resisting an officer

Rodney Allen Weber, 48, 2705 Anderson St, Hammond, fugitive warrant for Tangipahoa parish sheriffs office – 2 counts, operating veh with suspended license; other offenses, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle

Yvette Booth Joseph, 52, 144 W 2nd St,  Laplace, theft by shoplifting – less than $500, criminal trespass – immovable structure, attachment warrant, attachment warrant

James Dennis Moore, 33, 276 Elm St, Laplace, d.w.i. – 2nd offense, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, possession of hydrocodone


Ciera Kentrell Tuircuit, 30, 298 Little Hope St, Garyville, disturbing the peace – appearing in an intoxicated condition
Cayla Annette Edwards, 26, 205 E 21st St, Reserve, disturbing the peace – appearing in an intoxicated condition, resisting an officer

Wayne Jackson Johnson, 34, 102 Historic West St, Garyville, domestic abuse battery

Brian A Miller, 22, 317 E Airline Hwy, Laplace, 2nd deg battery

Michael James Lambert, 50, 118 Rue St Martin, Vacherie, when passing on the right is permitted, dwi – operating while intoxicated, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles

D’angelo Kelson, 17, 501 Monticello, Laplace, illegal carrying of weapon w/cds, illegal possession of stolen firearm, possession or distribution of drug paraphernalia 1st offense, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, domestic abuse battery

Jeanette Ann Kelson, 38, 501 Monticello Drive, Laplace, resisting an officer, illegal carrying of weapon w/cds, illegal possession of stolen firearm, possession or distribution of drug, paraphernalia 1st offense, possession with intent to distribute marijuana


Rodney Kevin Tate, 56, 509 Fairway Dr., Laplace, telephone communications; improper language; harassment, simple assault

Patricia Marie Kelson, 22, 501 Monticello Court, Laplace,
attachment warrant, attachment warrant, attachment warrant, attachment warrant, attachment warrant

Lakin Nicole Felder, 23, 1904 Madewood Rd, Laplace, possession of heroin, possession or distribution of drug paraphernalia 1st offense

Alvin Anthony Joseph, 38, 538 S. Kinler St., Bouttee, 2 attachment warrants