Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 24, 2005
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f0fs24 cf0 Highway work planned in St. John, expected not to cause traffic snarls
Staff Reporter
BATON ROUGE ‘d0’d0 A couple of road projects are planned for St. John the Baptist Parish this year, but planners do not expect traffic to be affected.
According to information compiled by Sherry Dupuy, Public Information spokeswoman for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, the two projects involve concrete leveling and lighting.
The concrete pavement leveling project is scheduled to begin in early summer, and last for two weeks, weather permitted.
The project is to begin on Interstate 10 at the parish line of St. James and St. John parishes and run five miles east into St. John.
Though road closings are to occur, Dupuy said planners expect traffic to flow without problems.
Also in St. John, a lighting project is scheduled to take place in early fall at the I-10 weigh station in LaPlace.
The project is expected to last approximately 100 working days with some lane closures for a short duration of time.
Those involved in the work said they do not anticipate traffic problems to arise from this project, Dupuy said
Nortex Conc. Lift & Stabiliz, Inc., a company out of Fort Worth, Texas, have submitted the lowest bid at $114, 900, for the concrete leveling project.