Youth football camp offers kids opportunity

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 30, 2004


Sports Editor

It’s the time of year most kids and coaches enjoy. It’s the time of year when football coaches hold camps for kids around the area.

St. Charles Catholic Head Football Coach Frank Monica recently held his camp for aspiring young football players.

During the week of the camp, kids learn everything from fundamentals to technique and agility.

“We are all having a good time,” said Monica. “What we like doing is changing things up a bit. We will go from teaching technique and agilities to actually playing football.”

Two of the more popular events during the camp are the Comet Golden Glove Relay and playing Cometball. The Comet Golden Glove Relay consists of a two legged race, running and jumping. It is basically a series of relay races.

Cometball, on the other hand, is along the same line as touch football.

“There is passing all over and the play ends when a person is touched,” Monica said.

Even a Super Bowl is decided at the end. Kids are divided up into four teams and play against each other. St. Charles Catholic football players get involved in this also.

SCC quarterback Jesse Martin is a quarterback for one of the teams.

Other players that helped out at the camp included Matt Heltz and Tyrell Fenroy.

“We will have the top two teams play against each other in the Super Bowl and have the other two play for third place,” Monica explained.

During the break, players watch NFL tapes that consist of bloopers.

After each camp, Monica would present The Hammer Award to a player. “It’s basically a big maul. The kid sleeps with it and probably never lets it out of their sight,” he said with a smile.

The Hammer Award relates to the motto of the Comets football team, which is “Be the hammer, not the nail.”

The 100 percent Award is also given out at the end of each camp day.

The number that attended this year’s camp is around 60.

“This is by far the biggest turnout I have had since I have been here,” said Monica.

The camp is not only for boys, but also for girls as well. Keri Alexis has been to the camp on more than one occasion.

“I think this is her fourth year in a row. She really likes it,” Monica concluded.