Looking aheadto the new year

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Leonard Gray-The Gray Line Tour

A New Year’s weekend marred by violence in St. John the Baptist Parish was nevertheless a happy one for LSU fans. However, the violent crimes, including armed robbery, aggravated battery, domestic violence and attempted murder made for an unhealthy weekend.

It was not a good beginning for 2004, and we can only hope this was the dying sparks of the previous year. Hopefully, the violence can be put behind us, and we might look forward to greater understanding, communication and compassion.

But don’t bet on it.

The fact remains that St. John the Baptist Parish is essentially a peaceful community where, as in any community, a few people spoil a good thing for the majority.

We can look forward to a new parish council and several new school board members to help guide the fortunes of our citizens, and the continued economic growth here, welcoming new businesses.

We can look forward to fresh ideas from our leaders and willing hands to carry them to fruition. Our schools are improving, and more people are moving here, attracted by the good life we enjoy.

Too often, we can take for granted what we have that most communities do not have and that some cannot even imagine.

Take for example, children growing up in inner-city environments, with poor education, daily violence and no prospects for change. Here, we have a culture built on caring for each other, greeting each other with a “How’s your mama?” and hugs and smiles.

In most cities around the country, newcomers are viewed with suspicion and distrust. Here, it’s a welcoming visit by the neighbors and advice on where to get the best seafood.

Our community is hardly perfect, but it is much better in many respects, than most of the country. People are more friendly here. People here care for one another. We need to be aware of that, and we need to be more proud of this area.

It’s why people come. It’s why we stay.

– Leonard Gray