Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / November 22, 2000

I have 15 grandchildren. I thought a good Thanksgiving article would be to askeach of them what they were most thankful for.

Amanda, age 9, said she was most thankful for God’s love. Kane, also age 9,said he was thankful for everything that God made for him. The youngest,Kameron, age 5, had the most to say. Without hesitation, he rattled off – theturkey, the town, the day, my brother, dad, mom and sisters. Most of theothers, not too excited about the question, answered all about the same – myfamily, the food.

Asking that question, and not getting enough material for this article, mademe reflect on what Jeanne and I have the most for which to be thankful. Inspite of me, we celebrated 42 years of marriage this year. I’m ever sograteful for my children, Ronny, Matt, Kay, Ann and their families. I’mespecially thankful that we are all healthy. Believe me, after seeing my oldestdaughter, Ronny, fighting the battle of her life seven years ago when she wasdiagnosed with acute leukemia and now completely cured, makes beinghealthy something we don’t take for granted.

With everything that all of us, and this nation, have been blessed with , it’san insult to God that we have to set aside the fourth Thursday in Novemberas the day for giving thanks.

As I write this article, I’m convicted that I should make an effort to givethanks every day.

Jeanne and I extend to all of you a very happy Thanksgiving! May all of you beblessed abundantly and with every blessing, be reminded to give thanks toour Heavenly Father who is responsible for all.

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get Highon Life religious motivational group. Call him at 652-8477.

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