Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 30, 2000

Harold Keller / L’Observateur / August 30, 2000

Coming home from work one afternoon, 30 years ago, my wife greeted me with what she thought was good news. Keep in m ind that we had fourchildren at the time, ranging in age from one to seven. The supposedly goodnews was that she had agreed, with my approval, to purchase two crypts in the new mausoleum that was being constructed. “What?!” I said, asthough I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. I don’t remember exactlywhat I said, but I do remember my reaction. Here we were in our 30s,trying to raise four children, planning for the future, excited about living, and Jeanne wanted to buy burial space. I cancelled the tentative agreementbecause a place to be buried was one of the last things on my agenda. Inface, it wasn’t on my agenda at all.

As you get older, it’s amazing how people, especially family members, get concerned about your final arrangements.

Case in point: Monday morning, my wife wanted to stop at Don’s Country Store. I stayed in the car, reading. The car I parked next to looked like mysister Judith’s car, but I wasn’t certain. Moments later, Jeanne and Judithwalked out together. Judith proceeded to tell us that she had justpurchased two crypts in the mausoleum for her husband and herself. I wasglad for her if that’s what she wanted but didn’t show much excitement.

She then told me that she hoped we wouldn’t mind, but she gave the salesman Jeanne’s name as a prospect. “Harold,” Judith said, “I told himto be sure and talk to Jeanne, because I know how you feel.”Judith continued to explain her purchase and the cost. A few times duringthe discussion, she apologized for referring us to the salesman. Jeanneassured her that we didn’t mind. Judith added that when the salesmanfound out that I was her brother, he said that plenty family members like to stay together. Now, that really touched me. (Just joking!) I had to laugh.Judith, being a loving and caring sister, also gave our sister Lillie’s name.

Laughing, Judith said that Lillie’s reaction was, “You must be crazy!” (You would have to know Lillie to appreciate her remark.)I have to admit that I’m having fun writing this article. But on the seriousside, it’s strange how people plan more concerning where their bodies will go, than where their spirits will spend eternity.

HAROLD KELLER writes this column as part of his affiliation with the Get High on Life religious motivational group.

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