Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 12, 2000

L’Observateur / August 12, 2000

The LEAP scores are only a snapshot of the state of educational quality in Louisiana, and as school districts adjust, scores are sure to improve. Thebar has finally been raised in Louisiana and students have to be ready to jump.

For too many years, Louisiana has coasted along at the bottom of most educational rankings. It’s time to get up, move up and take our rightfulplace among the states with quality education.

LEAP is only one measure of educational quality. Others include better-paid teachers, improved resources and better physical plants. It will takea willingness to financially support real reform in our schools and renewed commitment from parents to thoroughly involve themselves in their children’s education, both at home and in the schools, from pre- kindergarten through high school.

Our children deserve no less than the best.


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