Nursing home association answers claim
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 29, 2000
L’Observateur / July 29, 2000
DEAR EDITOR: Lillian Ridlen of LaPlace wrote to you recently challenging me and the Louisiana Nursing Home Association to do more to ensure the quality of care of patients in our nursing facilities. The fact is LNHA has a longrecord of advocacy for the elderly – not only when it comes to adequate resources to fund their nursing facility care, but also in terms of progressive programs and quality regulations. For example, LNHA memberfacilities have taken the following steps to ensure quality care: 1. In 1987, LNHA member facilities voluntarily implemented a NurseAssistant Pilot Training program. This program sought to educate nurseassistants, not only in health care procedures, but also in knowing and respecting resident rights and in fostering understanding of the mental, physical and social needs of nursing home residents.
2. In 1988, LNHA supported mandatory Nurse Aide Training. Federal lawnow requires training for nurse assistants.
3. In 1988, LNHA supported the implementation of a Nurse Aide Registry.Providers now call this registry before hiring a certified nurse aide to find out if the nurse aide has ever been accused or convicted of abuse.
4. In addition, LNHA has supported legislation/regulations increasingstaffing in nursing homes, increasing education levels for nurse aides, social workers and administrators, and requiring continuing education for nursing home staff.
5. LNHA holds continuing education classes and sends articles to ourmembers on providing quality care.
6. LNHA initiated, supported, and helped pass legislation that allowsnursing homes to check with the State Police to find out if a nursing aide applicant has a criminal history.
7. And LNHA supported legislation which prohibits exploitation by acaregiver of a disabled adult or aged person.
8. LNHA has written model programs on emergency preparedness and actsas a resource during emergency situations. LNHA personnel manned a deskat the State Emergency Operations Center during Hurricane Georges.
The 250-member association has been a long-time champion of progressive programs such as these. I would like to emphasize that themembers of LNHA do not, under any circumstances, condone any instances of elderly abuse. Our membership has worked diligently to reduce abuseoccurrences and to increase quality of care in our nursing facilities.
Like you, the members of LNHA would like perfectiion in all nursing facilities. However, we live in an imperfect world. And so we mustcontinue with our efforts to secure adequate resources to care for our elderly, educate caregivers and seek out best practices. It is ourresponsibility as citizens to ensure that our frail elderly enjoy quality of life and quality of care during their stay in a nursing facility.
Joseph A. Donchess executive director, LNHA
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