Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 15, 2000

MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / July 15, 2000

Cliche’ – “A hackneyed phrase or idea.” (Oxford American Dictionary)Or to use another definition, “an essential part of the vocabulary of an athlete, coach or sportswriter.”And what does “hackneyed” mean? Don’t you hate it when you have to look up a definition to find what another definition means? Cliches. You have got to love them. They are like that old saying aboutbroadcasters. “They talk until they have something to say.” Or is thatanother cliche’? Love them or hate them, they are a part of our language. And below aresome that are used so commonly it might be a good idea taking a few semesters of another language (or in the case of some of us, a lot of semesters) just to get away from them. For others there is the definitionof what they really mean.

He gave 110 percent. No, he didn’t. He may have given 100 percent andthat’s it. You can’t give more than what you got.He came to play today. Well, I hope so. I didn’t think he came to sellconcessions.

He’s the next… No, he’s not. He’s the first… unless the government is doingsome unknown work with cloning. And can you see more than one MikeTyson or John Rocker? Yikes.

Well, Bob, I don’t think that’s where he wanted to put it. Used in golf todescribe a shot into the Pacific Ocean or so far into the woods that Lewis and Clark couldn’t find the ball. Also used to describe a pitch in baseballthat is hit so far it has a flight attendant aboard. Both win the “No,really?” award.

We’re going to play them one game at a time. Another “No, really?” awardcandidate. Although late in the NBA season or in baseball with your team30 1/2 games out, you wish they could play more than one at a time.

It’s not about the money. It’s about the money.I want to go some place where I have a chance to win. It’s about themoney.

We’re making these changes with the fan in mind. It’s about the money.And we’re so bad, even our players’ families don’t want to show up for games.

I want to do it for the good of the team. Wait until contract negotiationscome up.

I’m optimistic about the season. We will win more than four games, andless than half our starters will end up with police records.

I like it here and my family likes it here. I have no intention of playinganywhere else. You’ll be seeing me in the visitors’ dugout next season.It’s a long season and there are a lot more games to be played. The onlyway we’ll see the postseason is if we buy a ticket.

Our coach has the full support of this administration or franchise. Or inother words, pack your bags, coach.

I have not interviewed for the job. I am fully committed to my currentteam or program. Or in other words, pack your bags, coach.The ground cannot cause a fumble. Ask the Tampa Bay Buccaneers aboutthis one. And, OK, it’s not ruled a fumble but what do you think caused it?We look good on paper. For as many times as that is said, it’s a wonderteams don’t pull up their grass or turf and actually play on paper.

The foul pole in baseball. How did it ever get to be called that when a balloff of it is fair? A boxing ring. Has anybody noticed lately that it’s a square?Instant replay in football. It’s anything but instant.Basketball shorts. Has anybody noticed how long they have become lately?And finally, in closing… This speech has another half hour to go.

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