Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 30, 2000
ANNA MONICA / L’Observateur / May 30, 2000
As far as I know measles are not necessarily primarily prominent on the legs.
However if you look at my legs and Dana’s legs you can see it looks like measles.
Something has attacked them. Little red spots that have no mercy with theitching. I’ve tried putting stuff on the little spots and I can sleep at night, butthe next morning before I am out of bed the itching has started again.
When Dana stopped by the other day I was already at work cutting back my azaleas, of which I have many but not as many as I did before a root disease hit many years ago. Anyhow, to keep them healthy and thick they need to bepruned before July when the buds start forming. Well, Dana is tall, andneedless to say I am definitely not, so she took the loppers from me and started cutting the high branches. She had already cleaned up and lookednice in her new clothes, so I pleaded with her not to, but she said if she started sweating she would stop.
Well, fortunately the gown she wore in graduating from medical school was long so no one could see that her legs looked afflicted from something or other. I am not so fortunate because me legs show all the time, and so dothose little spots that don’t stop itching until they turn into scabs.
And turn they do. You know how it is. When something itches it sure feelsgood to scratch, and once you start you do it with gusto – at least I do and that’s why I’m full of scabs.
There is a spot in my yard that whenever I worked in it I ended up itching and looking like this, but I haven’t been working in that spot. I used to say I hadbeen bitten by chiggers, but I was since told that more likely it was redbugs. Idon’t know because I have never seen either, but I can tell you this: It itches.
And, the little spots make it look like you have some kind of disease. Do youthink chiggers or redbugs hang around azalea bushes, too? Nonetheless I keep looking at other people’s legs to see if they are anything like mine.
And, didn’t I say so long ago that I would plant no flowers this spring?: Well, I almost didn’t lie but I could not resist just two Gerber daisies, one red and one yellow. The yellow one was doing pretty well for the most part, but thered one could never been happy. Now, each day without fail, I take my littlemilk gallon jug and put water on those two plants or they will droop very badly. In fact they are a little yellow now and I haven’t seen blossoms onthem for some time. Katrina Levron of Garyville, who I met up with whilepurchasing them, told me hers do very well under a tree and come back each year, so perhaps I need to get Katrina over to my house to give me advice.
Remember rain? Remember regular rain? If you do, bless your memory. Andbless any moisture that would help eliminate those itch red spots on my legs.
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