Published 12:00 am Friday, April 7, 2000
Harold Keller / L’Observateur / April 7, 2000
As I mentioned before in some of my articles, I attend a couple of Bible studies each week. Thursday, 15 men representing five different churches,met at 5:30 a.m. in Grand Point. The subject of the Bible study was aboutbeing a servant.
The Bible says that to be great among many, we have to be a servant to all.
Someone said that when you study the life of Jesus, you get to know the greatest of all servants. Jesus came to serve, not to be served.I said that people who serve are the most blessed and have the most joy.
As an example, Mother Teresa was a giver until her death – a true servant to the poor and unwanted in this world.
Another man in the meeting said that we all talk about having faith, but faith without works is dead. Most of the 480,000 churches in America aredead because the people who attend have some faith but refuse to serve. Inother words, they are takers and not givers.
I was reminded of the following I read by M. Lunn, from “1,500Inspirational Quotes and Illustrations:”
I was hungry, and you formed a humanitarian club and you discussed my hunger.
Thank you.
I was imprisoned, and you crept off quietly to your chapel in the cellar to pray for my release.
I was naked, and in your mind you debated the morality of my appearance.
I was sick, and you knelt and thanked God for your health.
I was homeless, and you preached to me of the spiritual shelter of the love of God.
I was lonely, and you left me alone to pray for me.
You seem so holy, so close to God.
But I’m still very hungry, and lonely and cold.
So where have your prayers gone? What have they done? What does it profit a man to page through his book of prayers when the rest of the world is crying for help?
Harold Keller is a regular columnist for L’Observateur
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