Food for thought in the housing mess
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 10, 1999
L’Observateur / July 10, 1999
The brewing scandal in the St. John Parish Housing Authority has hadimmediate fallout with the dismissal Tuesday of the Housing Authority board members. In its place, for the time being, the Parish Council takesdirect supervision over the public housing developments.
In an election year, this could be a good thing.
The Parish Council members have an opportunity to administer fair practices in the housing developments, initiate desperately-needed repairs and upgrades to the apartments, and come out of it all smelling like a rose – if they don’t get sued first.
The conditions in the unit, it would appear, could not all be the fault of the tenants. Certainly, there is wear and tear on any home, but when it ispublically-administered housing, it is incumbent on those with authority to make certain the units are kept up on a timely and professional manner.
Nevertheless, the Parish Council will likely name replacement Housing Authority board members with a mandate to correct as many problems as they can, as quickly as they can.
What must be remembered is that many of these same residents, living in rotted, mildewed and vermin-infested housing, will be voting this fall.
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