Council unfair to recreation

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 30, 1999

L’Observateur / June 30, 1999

DEAR EDITOR: I was attending the (St. John) Parish Council meeting of June 15 when theconfusion of whether money could be given to whomever came before the council and asked. Money is just supposed to be given. I don’t think this isthe lawful way to do things, guys.

St. John Parish has a recreational budget for the members of St. Johnrecreational groups. This money is already there.Numerous times, parish attorney Charles Lorio was asked to give the council the black-and-white, written law and the council just does whatever they want. Several times th is has come back to haunt them.. Thelaw is the law – follow it to the letter. If everything is written in blackand white, to the letter, there is no trouble to be gotten into.

Mr. Lorio was not picking on anyone. I think Errol Victor owes Mr. Lorio andall present an apology for his outburst at the council meeting. An easy wayto remedy this problem is to not assist any organization with a handout of parish funds.

A parish budget is set aside for parish recreational expenses. Become aparish recreation member and get your expense money that is alreqdy in wait for your groups. Do not come to the council meeting, ask for money,then join the parish recreation group at the last minute to get your money.

This is unfair to the numerous groups who have been members for years.

Numerous business people in the audience offered money. Ask fordonations and sponsors, people are generous. You can get help the legalway. Many businesses will sponsor our children.Write parish laws clearly, to the letter of the law. If parish laws do notviolate state or federal laws and all is legal, no coflicts will occur in later times.

Diane KendrickLaPlace

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