Booster club pays tribute to Hahnville soccer team

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 6, 1999

MICHAEL KIRAL / L’Observateur / March 6, 1999

BOUTTE – The Hahnville High School Soccer Booster Club honored the most successful team in school history at its annual banquet and awards presentation Wednes-day night in the school’s cafeteria.

The Tigers went 27-4-2 this past season and reached the semifinals for the first time in school history. Hahnville won the District 8-Ichampionship with a 12-0 record and concluded the season with a No. 3ranking in the state polls.

The team’s junior varsity, which won the Brother Martin Tournament and placed second at the Hahnville Tournament, was also honored.

Head coach Rafael de Vega and assistant coaches Mike Parker and Dee Fedrick presented squadmen and lettermen awards to team members.

Freshmen receiving recognition were Ezra Garza, Garrick Gomez, Nathan McClendon and Shawn Mire.

Sophomores honored were Brad Berthelot, Adam Bordelon, Chad Boudreaux, Matt Cummins, Jeremy Davey, Michael Fedrick, Chris Fordham, Nick Justice, Michael Madere, Chris Richardson, Carmello Rodriquez, Tim Sirmon, Adrian Sorapuru, David Tanner, Obinna Ubasineke and Travis Webre. Juniors honored were Blake Gervais, Mark Griffin, John Keller andBrandon Kelly.

The team’s seniors were Chris Claudet, Jason Davis, Joe Griffin, Jarrad Larousse, Luke Ledet, Stevie Sirmon and Jonathan Tregre. The seniors alsoreceived passes that allowed them to attend future games for a $1 and soccer balls signed by their teammates.

De Vega recognized those players receiving all-District 8-I honors. All-district first team selections were Mark Griffin, Chris Claudet, Joe Griffin and Jarrad Larousse.

Named to the all-district second team were John Keller and Jason Davis.

Joe Griffin was also recognized for being named to the National Soccer Association of America’s all-Southwest team.

The booster club presented its scholarship awards to Chris Claudet and Joe Griffin. Joe and Betty Claudet were also recognized by the boosterclub for their 12-year association with the soccer program.

De Vega said in his coach’s comments that the players had accomplished a lot this year both and off the field.

“It was a great season,” de Vega said. “They gave an outstanding effort. Iam proud of what they have accomplished not only as soccer players but as individuals.”Parker commended the junior varsity team, saying that without them for the varsity team to scrimmage against, the team does not do as well as it does.

The guest speaker was Joey Goscha, a coach in the parish’s youth soccer program. Goscha, who played soccer in high school and college in Georgia,has led a 14-year-old team that went 3-18 two years ago to a 14-0-1 this year.

Goscha gave his seven-point plan for having success both on the field and life. His first was to know who you are.”Know yourself as a player,” Goscha said. “Know what you are capable ofand bring that to the team.”Goscha also told the players to take time to think, to have goals, think about them and go out and get them. To use good judgment both on the fieldand in life. Goscha reminded them to be positive and give themselves totheir task.

Goscha told them not to be afraid to amend their mistakes. Lastly, he toldthem to always get up when they knocked down, reminding them of the words of both former North Carolina State coach Jim Valvano and British prime minister Winston Churchill – “Never give up.” Hahnville principal Bobby Stephenson addressed the players, saying that he was proud of the teamwork the team showed throughout the season.

“Hahnville High School is a school of champions,” Steph-enson said.

“You kept that alive this year. You made Hahnville that much more of achampionship school throughout the state.”

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